

4 Haziran 2020 Perşembe

C programlama errno.h dosyası (kütüphanesi)

errno.H :errno sistem hatası değişkenini ve sistem çağrıları tarafından ayarlanan hata numaralarını unix'te bulunan ancak msdos değerinde olmayan hatalar tanımlar



error number definitions

Aşağıdaki kodları not defterine yapıştırıp kaydet yaparken errno.h diye kaydedelim.
/*  errno.h

    Defines the system error variable errno and the error
    numbers set by system calls. Errors which exist in Unix(tm)
    but not MSDOS have value -1.

    Copyright (c) 1987, 1991 by Borland International
    All Rights Reserved.

#ifndef __ERRNO_H
#define __ERRNO_H

#if !defined( __DEFS_H )
#include <_defs.h>

/*  Dos Error Codes */

#define EZERO    0      /* Error 0                  */
#define EINVFNC  1      /* Invalid function number  */
#define ENOFILE  2      /* File not found           */
#define ENOPATH  3      /* Path not found           */
#define ECONTR   7      /* Memory blocks destroyed  */
#define EINVMEM  9      /* Invalid memory block address */
#define EINVENV 10      /* Invalid environment      */
#define EINVFMT 11      /* Invalid format           */
#define EINVACC 12      /* Invalid access code      */
#define EINVDAT 13      /* Invalid data             */
#define EINVDRV 15      /* Invalid drive specified  */
#define ECURDIR 16      /* Attempt to remove CurDir */
#define ENOTSAM 17      /* Not same device          */
#define ENMFILE 18      /* No more files            */

#define ENOENT   2      /* No such file or directory*/
#define EMFILE   4      /* Too many open files      */
#define EACCES   5      /* Permission denied        */
#define EBADF    6      /* Bad file number          */
#define ENOMEM   8      /* Not enough core          */
#define ENODEV  15      /* No such device           */
#define EINVAL  19      /* Invalid argument         */
#define E2BIG   20      /* Arg list too long        */
#define ENOEXEC 21      /* Exec format error        */
#define EXDEV   22      /* Cross-device link        */
#define EDOM    33      /* Math argument            */
#define ERANGE  34      /* Result too large         */
#define EEXIST  35      /* File already exists      */
#define EDEADLOCK 36    /* Locking violation        */
#define ECHILD  -1      /* Unix/DOS                 */
#define EFAULT  -1      /* Unknown error            */
#define EPERM   -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define ESRCH   -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define EINTR   -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define EIO     -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define ENXIO   -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define EAGAIN  -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define ENOTBLK -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define EBUSY   -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define ENOTDIR -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define EISDIR  -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define ENFILE  -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define ENOTTY  -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define ETXTBSY -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define EFBIG   -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define ENOSPC  -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define ESPIPE  -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define EROFS   -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define EMLINK  -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define EPIPE   -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */
#define EUCLEAN -1      /* UNIX - not MSDOS         */

extern  int _Cdecl  errno;
extern  int _Cdecl  _doserrno;

#if !__STDC__
#define _sys_nerr   35      /* highest defined system error number */


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