3 Mayıs 2020 Pazar

C programlama bios.h header dosyasi (kütüphane)

Bios.H() Bios hizmetlerine erişim.









_bios_timeof day




Aşagidaki kodlari kopyalayip not deftrine yapiştıralım kaydederken bios.h diye kaydedelim.
/*  bios.h

    Access to bios services.

    Copyright (c) 1987, 1991 by Borland International
    All Rights Reserved.

#if !defined(__BIOS_H)
#define __BIOS_H

#if !defined(__DEFS_H)
#include <_defs.h>

/* diskinfo_t structure for _bios_disk() */

struct diskinfo_t {
    unsigned drive, head, track, sector, nsectors;
    void far *buffer;

/* cmd values for _bios_disk() */

#define _DISK_RESET     0   /* controller hard reset */
#define _DISK_STATUS    1   /* status of last operation */
#define _DISK_READ      2   /* read sectors */
#define _DISK_WRITE     3   /* write sectors */
#define _DISK_VERIFY    4   /* verify sectors */
#define _DISK_FORMAT    5   /* format track */

/* cmd values for _bios_keybrd() */

#define _KEYBRD_READ            0       /* read key */
#define _NKEYBRD_READ           0x10    /* read key - enhanced */
#define _KEYBRD_READY           1       /* check key ready */
#define _NKEYBRD_READY          0x11    /* check key ready - enhanced */
#define _KEYBRD_SHIFTSTATUS     2       /* get shift status */
#define _NKEYBRD_SHIFTSTATUS    0x12    /* get shift status - enhanced */

/* cmd values for _bios_printer() */

#define _PRINTER_WRITE  0       /* send a byte to printer */
#define _PRINTER_INIT   1       /* initialize printer */
#define _PRINTER_STATUS 2       /* read printer status */

/* cmd values for _bios_serialcom() */

#define _COM_INIT       0       /* set communication parms to a byte */
#define _COM_SEND       1       /* send a byte to port */
#define _COM_RECEIVE    2       /* read character from port */
#define _COM_STATUS     3       /* get status of port */

/* byte values for _COM_INIT cmd of _bios_serialcom() */

#define _COM_CHR7       0x02    /* 7 data bits */
#define _COM_CHR8       0x03    /* 8 data bits */
#define _COM_STOP1      0x00    /* 1 stop bit */
#define _COM_STOP2      0x04    /* 2 stop bits */
#define _COM_NOPARITY   0x00    /* no parity */
#define _COM_EVENPARITY 0x18    /* even parity */
#define _COM_ODDPARITY  0x08    /* odd parity */
#define _COM_110        0x00    /* 110 baud */
#define _COM_150        0x20    /* 150 baud */
#define _COM_300        0x40    /* 300 baud */
#define _COM_600        0x60    /* 600 baud */
#define _COM_1200       0x80    /* 1200 baud */
#define _COM_2400       0xa0    /* 2400 baud */
#define _COM_4800       0xc0    /* 4800 baud */
#define _COM_9600       0xe0    /* 9600 baud */

/* cmd values for _bios_timeofday() */

#define _TIME_GETCLOCK  0   /* get clock count */
#define _TIME_SETCLOCK  1   /* set clock count */

/* register structure definitions for int86(), int86x() */

#ifndef _REG_DEFS
#define _REG_DEFS

struct WORDREGS {
    unsigned int    ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di, cflag, flags;

struct BYTEREGS {
    unsigned char   al, ah, bl, bh, cl, ch, dl, dh;

union   REGS    {
    struct  WORDREGS x;
    struct  BYTEREGS h;

struct  SREGS   {
    unsigned int    es;
    unsigned int    cs;
    unsigned int    ss;
    unsigned int    ds;

struct  REGPACK {
    unsigned    r_ax, r_bx, r_cx, r_dx;
    unsigned    r_bp, r_si, r_di, r_ds, r_es, r_flags;

#endif  /* _REG_DEFS */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* New MSC-compatible BIOS functions.
unsigned _Cdecl _bios_equiplist(void);
unsigned _Cdecl _bios_disk(unsigned __cmd, struct diskinfo_t *__dinfo);
unsigned _Cdecl _bios_keybrd(unsigned __cmd);
unsigned _Cdecl _bios_memsize(void);
unsigned _Cdecl _bios_printer(unsigned __cmd, unsigned __port, unsigned __abyte);
unsigned _Cdecl _bios_serialcom(unsigned __cmd, unsigned __port, unsigned __abyte);
unsigned _Cdecl _bios_timeofday(unsigned __cmd, long *__timeval);

/* Old-style BIOS functions.
int     _Cdecl bioscom(int __cmd, char __abyte, int __port);
int     _Cdecl biosdisk(int __cmd, int __drive, int __head, int __track,
                        int __sector, int __nsects, void *__buffer);
int     _Cdecl biosequip(void);
int     _Cdecl bioskey(int __cmd);
int     _Cdecl biosmemory(void);
int     _Cdecl biosprint(int __cmd, int __abyte, int __port);
long    _Cdecl biostime(int __cmd, long __newtime);

/* Miscellaneous prototypes for MSC compatibility
int     _Cdecl int86(int __intno, union REGS *__inregs, union REGS *__outregs);
int     _Cdecl int86x(int __intno, union REGS *__inregs,
                      union REGS *__outregs, struct SREGS *__segregs);
#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif  /* __BIOS_H */

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